If agreed by the doctor, repeat prescriptions can be obtained without an appointment.
Ordering repeat prescriptions
The easiest ways to order repeat prescriptions are:
– Using your NHS account (through the NHS website or in the NHS App)
Did you know you can manage repeat prescriptions in the NHS App? It’s easy to use, and, if you hit a snag, you can go to ‘Help’ in the top right-hand corner of the app or visit nhs.uk/helpmeapp. Find out more about the NHS App at: www.nhs.uk/nhsapp.
– Using our GP online system: Patient Access
To register for Patient Access you will need to bring proof of address (utility bill from within the past three months) and photo ID (Passport/photo driving licence) to the surgery reception.
Repeat prescriptions can also be ordered by:
- E-mail– scripts.frmc@nhs.net
- In person at the Practice
- By post
- By asking your nominated pharmacy to request on your behalf – Patients can nominate a pharmacy via the surgery or in their chosen pharmacy
When requesting we ask that patients include their Full Name, Date of Birth, Up-to-date Contact Number along with the names of each item(s) they require and their Nominated Pharmacy.
Processing Times
Prescription requests take 72 hours for processing, this does not include weekends or Bank Holidays. Requests received after 1pm will be classed as the following day. Due to the high volume of prescriptions, we are unable to contact patients to let them know their prescription has been processed.
What to do if you have run out of your medication
Should you be without your medication or need it before the allocated processing time, please call 111 or visit 111 Online to arrange an emergency supply of your required item(s).
Prescription Fees
View the cost of prescriptions via the website NHS UK: How much is the NHS prescription charge?
You can also find out if you are entitled to free prescriptions by visiting the website NHS UK: Am I entitled to free prescriptions?
How to Find a Pharmacy
Many pharmacies are open until late and at weekends. You do not need an appointment.
Most pharmacies have a private room where you can discuss issues with pharmacy staff.
NHS Electronic Prescription Services
This service allows prescriptions to be sent electronically from the surgery to your nominated pharmacy for collection. Please speak with your chosen pharmacy or with our reception team if you would like to use this service.
Collecting prescriptions
Please state on your request if you wish to collect a physical prescription from the practice. Allow three full working days for prescriptions to be processed before presenting to collect the prescription.
Medication Reviews
Patients on repeat medication will be asked to see a Clinician at least once a year to review these regular medications. You will be notified by the practice when you are due and be asked to book in at the practice. When asked to book we ask that this be done to avoid unnecessary delays to further prescriptions
Medication Queries
Patients with a medication queries, can raise an AskMyGP request with the details of their query for our Clinical Pharmacist Team to review and contact them. Patients are also welcome to discuss their medication with their local pharmacy.
Trafford Minor Ailments
The minor ailment scheme is designed to enable people with minor health conditions to access medicines and advice they would otherwise visit their doctor for. It allows patients to see a qualified health professional at a convenient and accessible location within their community and means patients do not need to wait for a GP appointment or queue up for a valuable A&E slot with a non-urgent condition.
Ailments that may be treated under the scheme include:
- Coughs & colds
- Sore Throat
- Diarrhoea
- Headache / Earache / Temperature
- Hayfever /Insect Bites
- Head lice
- Nappy rash
- Constipation
- Vaginal Thrush
- Bacterial Conjunctivitis
- Cold Sores
- Teething
- Acute Cystitis in Women
- Eczema and Dry Skin
The Minor Ailment Scheme increases the NHS resources by utilising pharmacists, with their extensive knowledge, in supporting GPs. This allows GPs to concentrate on the complex clinical needs of their patients and provides patients with a additional NHS professional resources that can confidentiality and quickly address their needs when suffering from minor ailments. Please ask at reception for more information and a list of participating pharmacies.
Prescribing Guidance for Self Care/Self-Limiting conditions
In March 2018 NHS England published new prescribing guidance covering 35 minor, short term health conditions which are either self-limiting or suitable for self-care. A ‘self-limiting’ condition does not require any medical advice or treatment as it will usually clear up on its own (such as sore throats, coughs, colds and viruses) and a ‘minor illness that is suitable for self-care’ can be treated with items that can be purchased over the counter from a pharmacy.
The new guidance from NHS England recommends that GPs no longer prescribe medicines that are readily available over the counter at pharmacies. Vitamins, minerals and pro-biotics are also included. Patients who receive free prescriptions will not automatically be exempt from this guidance.