Flixton Road Medical Centre

PPG Meeting Minutes – 19 September 2023

Flixton Road Medical Centre Patient Participation Group (PPG) minutes

Tuesday 19 September 2023
Venue – Flixton Road Medical Centre


  • Dr M A Khan (Chair)
  • Dee Radcliffe (Assistant Practice Manager)
  • Marcelle Holt and Justine Alderman
  • On-line Amna – Anne Challis – Guest Emma Carter

Apologies: Jilly Trout, Sandra Everett, Justine Alderman, Sarah Fraser (Bowfell)

SubjectDescriptionRaised byAction by
1. Welcome and IntroductionsThe Chair Dr Khan welcomed everyone to the meeting, apologies as noted above.

(Note Sara Fraser Bowfell and Amna – Anne Challis care home have been invited to become members of the PPG).

3. Minutes & actions arising from the last meetingThe draft minutes of the meeting held on the 16 May 2023, had previously been circulated, to all members.

The minutes were accepted by members as a true and accurate record of the meeting.

4. Matters arisingCovid and Flu vaccines – Please see agenda item 9.
5. Presentation- PPGNoted

A presentation was delivered by the assistant practice manager on the purpose and expectations of the PPG.
The presentation covered the following topics, what is a PPG Group, Benefits of patient participation, behaviours that promote a GP practice, effective meeting etiquette, strategies to encourage new members, the importance of charity work and next steps and conclusion.

It was also noted that the membership of the group is low


Members discussed ways we could adopt a charity, possible suggestions to raise money for period poverty/defibrillators for schools/nurseries.
PPG membership was discussed, ideas on how we can increase membership.


Members agreed to bring ideas for both topics to the next meeting, scheduled for Tuesday 16 January 2024.
Possible run a poll on our website to ascertain if patients are aware of the group

6. Accountability Support GroupWeight Loss Emma Carter
An open discussion ensued regarding setting up a support group for our patients who are looking to lose weight. Ms Carter put forward her suggestions for the group. There would not be a financial outlay to start with.Discussion
To review the services that are already available for patients, to think about resources needed to set up a new group. The aims and objectives of the group.Agreed
Ms Carter would carry out a feasibility study on starting a new group, and review groups that are already in existence.
Ms Carter agreed to prepare a proposal for discussion and approval by the ICB and charities with the same remit.
The chair thanked Ms Carter for her interest in the practice and bringing the topic for discussion
7. Complaints
The practice complaint analysis for June 2023 to August 2023 was submitted for discussion.Discussed
12 complaints were received.

Age 0- 19 years 4 complaints
Subject charging & costs (private work 1, follow up care 1, staff attitude/behaviour/issues 2

Age 20-59 4 Complaints
Appointment availability/length, prescribing error 1, Follow up care 2,
staff attitude/behaviour/issues 1

Age 60 and above – 4 complaints
Communications 2, other/staff attitude/behaviour/issues 1, repeat prescription process 1.

The practice staff work very hard to meet the demands of our patients, and to resolve any issues. We document leaning from our complaints to discuss at our practice meeting and implement any agreed new protocols or changes.

8. National GP Patient Survey (2023)Noted

Results from the 2023 GP Patient Survey (GPPS) have been published today (Thursday 13 July 2023). This year, approximately 2.6 million people, aged 16 or over and registered with a GP practice in England, were invited to take part in the survey from January to April.

The survey covers experience of primary care – primarily in general practice but with some questions relating to NHS primary care dental services – and monitors a range of experiences including ease of making appointments, whether a time for an appointment was allocated, opening hours, treatment, and care planning by healthcare professionals.

Patients were able to complete the survey by taking part online or by returning a paper questionnaire. The questionnaire was also available for online completion in British Sign Language and in 14 additional languages as well as over the phone and in large print or Braille.


The overall experience for patients at Flixton Road Medical centre was that 79% of patients described their overall experience of our GP practice as good.

Flixton Road HC%RespondedNational
Very Good42%6037%
Neither good nor poor16%2315%
Very Poor006%


The survey results were positive for our practice, the results were prepared as a presentation for staff and discussed at our practice meeting.
The results have been posted on our website.

9. Flu ClinicsNoted
Our flu clinics has been scheduled for Saturday 23 & Sunday 24 September 2023 Invitations have been sent to our eligible patients.

Our PPG members call on the practice and speak with our patients, to make patients aware of the group. Ask patients for any items they would like the PPG to bring to the next meeting.

If any member is free on the above dates, to attend the surgery, to make patients aware of the group.

10. Covid VaccinesNoted

It was noted that the Autumn Booster Covid – 19 vaccinations, will be delivered by the ICB.

11. Any other businessNo other business was discussed.
The chair deemed the meeting closed.
12. Date of next meetingThe date of the next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday 16 January 2024 at 12:30 pm
The Date and time will be circulated for members to confirm their attendance.


Date published: 3rd November 2023
Date last updated: 3rd November 2023